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Sharron Huse 's blog ::Nose Piercing

Sharron Huse 's blog ::Nose Piercing

So               you               went               ahead               and               got               your               nose               pierced               after               all,               very               cool.

(If               you're               still               considering               getting               your               nose               pierced,               first               check               out               my               article               on               What               to               Expect               From               Your               Nose               Piercing.)               In               the               following               article,               you'll               find               ways               to               help               your               nose               piercing               heal               and               little               tricks               such               as               how               to               yawn               without               it               hurting               and               dealing               with               those               pesky               boogers.

Nose               Piercing:               Washing               Your               Face
               The               first               few               times               you               wash               your               face               after               getting               your               nose               pierced,               it's               going               to               be               weird,               if               not               a               little               painful.

Where               you               would               usually               be               able               to               splash               soap               and               water               on               your               face               and               wipe               it               easily               away,               you'll               have               to               avoid               the               nose               area               where               your               piercing               is,               and               that               can               be               tricky.

One               important               thing               to               remember               when               washing               your               face               is               to               avoid               using               a               towel,               especially               if               you               have               a               stud.

This               is               because               towels               tend               to               have               stray               strands               that               your               nose               stud               will               easily               get               caught               in.

Trust               me,               it               is               no               fun               to               get               the               towel               stuck               on               your               nose               piercing,               especially               while               it's               still               healing.

When               you               wash               your               face,               be               sure               to               use               mild               soap,               as               highly               perfumed               soaps               can               lead               to               irritation               of               the               nose               piercing.
               Nose               Piercing:               Makeup
               After               you               get               your               nose               pierced,               it               will               be               tempting               to               slather               cover-up               and               foundation               around               the               piercing               site.

For               the               love               of               your               nose,               please               avoid               this.

Makeup               will               get               down               into               the               piercing               and               will               likely               cause               irritation,               if               not               infection.

Fortunately,               if               you               keep               up               with               cleaning,               your               nose               piercing               site               will               not               be               red               for               long.
               Nose               Piercing:               Yawning
               You               will               find               out               quickly               that               yawning               or               flaring               your               nostrils               will               not               feel               so               great.

And               what               is               more               annoying               than               trying               to               yawn,               but               having               it               interrupted               by               a               shock               of               discomfort?

After               your               nose               piercing,               when               you               need               to               yawn,               try               placing               your               fingertips               at               the               bridge               of               your               nose               (right               next               to               your               eyes),               and               pressing               in,               like               you're               praying.

You               will               still               have               some               discomfort,               but               it               should               help               you               ease               the               pain               a               little               bit.
               Nose               Piercing:               Itching
               You'll               know               when               your               nose               piercing               begins               to               heal               when               it               starts               to               itch.

And               boy,               will               it               itch!

If               you               have               to               scratch,               make               sure               your               hands               are               clean.
               Nose               Piercing:               Boogers
               There's               no               way               around               dealing               with               boogers               after               you               have               your               nose               pierced.

One               way               to               dig               those               suckers               out               is               using               a               Q-Tip.

Usually               a               dry               Q-Tip               will               work               the               best,               but               sometimes               a               Q-Tip               soaked               in               warm               water               will               help               extract               those               pesky               nose               treasures               from               your               piercing.

As               far               as               blowing               your               nose,               it               is               more               than               a               little               uncomfortable               while               your               nose               piercing               is               still               healing.

Pressing               down               the               nostril               on               the               opposite               side               of               your               nose               piercing               can               help               you               blow               your               nose               more               effectively.
               Nose               Piercing:               Changing               Your               Jewelry
               You               will               know               when               your               piercing               has               healed               enough               to               change               the               jewelry               when               you               can               tug               on               it               and               it               doesn't               hurt.

Just               to               be               safe,               wait               as               long               as               possible               before               you               change               your               nose               piercing               jewelry               because               you               don't               want               to               mess               with               it               healing               over               or               getting               infected.

If               you               had               a               captive               bead               hoop               as               your               nose               piercing               jewelry               I               will               tell               you               from               experience               that               it               is               best               to               simply               schedule               an               appointment               with               the               facility               that               did               your               nose               piercing               to               have               it               removed               before               you               try               changing               your               jewelry.

The               captive               bead               hoops               are               incredibly               difficult               to               remove               and               place               by               yourself.
               When               you               are               ready               to               remove               your               jewelry,               first               clean               the               area               (and               your               hands,               of               course).

Slip               the               original               stud               or               hoop               out               of               your               nose.

Clean               and               disinfect               the               new               piece               of               jewelry               that               will               go               into               your               nose.

(Note:               Do               not               use               an               earring               stud               for               your               nose               piercing!)               Apply               a               small               amount               of               ointment               (you               can               even               use               lubricating               jelly)               to               the               new               piece               of               jewelry,               and               maneuver               it               into               your               piercing.

Be               patient,               especially               if               you               are               using               an               L-shaped               or               Corkscrew-shaped               stud.
               Nose               Piercing:               Types               of               Nose               Jewelry
               There               are               many               types               of               jewelry               to               choose               from               when               you               decide               to               change               out               your               nose               ring.
               Captive               Bead               Hoop-               If               you               had               your               nose               pierced               with               a               hoop,               this               is               likely               the               type               of               jewelry               your               nose               piercing               specialist               used.

This               type               of               nose               jewelry               is               an               incomplete               hoop               that               is               sealed               off               with               a               tiny               bead.

To               remove               this               nose               jewelry               from               your               nose,               pull               the               hoop               in               opposite               directions               to               dislodge               the               bead.

After               the               bead               is               removed,               twist               the               hoop               in               opposite               directions               (north               and               south)               until               it               can               be               twisted               out               of               the               nose               piercing.

Captive               Bead               Hoops               look               very               cool,               but               are               a               pain               to               insert               and               remove.
               Seamless               Hoop-               Unlike               the               Captive               Bead               Hoop,               the               seamless               hoop               is               easily               removed.

This               is               a               ring               that               separates               in               the               middle               and               can               easily               be               opened               and               closed.

To               insert               a               seamless               hoop,               open               it               up.

Poke               one               end               into               your               nose               piercing               and               feel               for               the               metal               on               the               inside               of               your               nostril.

Push               the               hoop               in               a               little               ways,               close               the               hoop               and               spin               it               to               ensure               that               it               is               securely               closed.
               Nose               Pin-               This               is               a               nose               stud               with               a               straight               bar               and               a               slightly               thicker               ball               on               the               end               to               keep               it               in               place               once               you               have               inserted               it               into               your               nose.

To               insert               a               nose               pin,               simply               line               it               up               with               the               piercing               and               pop               it               in.

You               may               experience               a               small               amount               of               discomfort               as               the               larger               end               goes               in,               but               it               will               not               last               long.
               L-Shaped-               This               type               of               nose               stud               has               an               L-Shaped               bar               that               makes               it               more               difficult               for               it               to               fall               out               of               your               nose.

To               insert               an               L-Shaped               stud               into               your               nose               piercing,               poke               the               jewelry               into               your               nose,               with               one               finger               on               the               inside               of               your               nostril.

Once               you               feel               the               metal               of               the               jewelry,               maneuver               the               rest               of               the               stud               into               your               nose.

(You               may               have               to               play               around               a               little               bit               with               the               position               of               your               L-Shaped               stud               as               certain               positions               may               make               irritate               your               nose               and               make               you               feel               like               you               have               to               sneeze!)
               Nose               Screw-               This               type               of               nose               stud               is               more               difficult               to               insert               into               the               nose               piercing,               but               more               secure               than               most               nose               stud               options.

To               insert               a               nose               screw,               poke               the               jewelry               into               your               nose,               with               one               finger               on               the               inside               of               the               nostril.

Again,               once               you               feel               the               metal               bar,               maneuver               and               twist               the               rest               until               it               is               in               place.

Be               sure               that               you               feel               the               metal               on               the               inside               of               your               nostril               before               you               begin               twisting               the               jewelry,               as               it               is               very               easy               to               accidentally               poke               into               the               middle               of               your               nose               piercing               and               cause               lots               of               discomfort.
               I               hope               that               these               tips               have               been               informative               and               helpful               for               you.

Feel               free               to               add               your               own               tidbits               of               wisdom               in               a               comment               below!
               Disclaimer:               I               am               by               no               means               a               medical               or               piercing               professional.

This               article               is               provided               for               informational               purposes               only.

Image of healing nose piercing

healing nose piercing
healing nose piercing

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healing nose piercing

healing nose piercing Image 2

healing nose piercing
healing nose piercing

healing nose piercing Image 3

healing nose piercing
healing nose piercing

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healing nose piercing
healing nose piercing

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